RIMS is a comprehensive web-based interactive system which allows for the collection, validation, management, and reporting on research and innovation management activities of the SAMRC.
As from 1 October 2019, (3rd Quarter 2019/2020) Research output must be submitted to the RIMS Publications Module.
To access RIMS, use these options below:
SAMRC staff, click on the link and login using your SAMRC network username and password. https://rims.samrc.ac.za/converis/secure/client/login
Non -SAMRC staff, kindly use below link and login using the username and password provided by RIMS support https://rims.samrc.ac.za/converis/secure/login
RIMS support
For a technical problems, please log a call using the SAMRC IT Helpdesk for SAMRC staff or send an email to servicedesk@mrc.ac.za for non-SAMRC staff.
How-to guides
User Manual for harnessing aspects of the RIMS system